Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Thanks to the transfusion, Christmas was great!
You may remember that Joyce and her nurse practitioner set up a blood transfusion for Dec 22, so she would be in better shape for Christmas, and it worked! We had a great time with family and friends during the holidays and Joyce’s body did well keeping up with what she wanted to do.
She is done with chemo, and next week she will have a C-T scan and another visit with the oncologist to determine what is next. Both of us will be starting PT in January. Both at Methodist Hospital, but in different programs, it will be very interesting to see if we can get them scheduled at the same time, so we can “ride together”.
We look forward to 2010, and many good things. We wish you a happy New Year and good health through the year.
We may see the New Year in on TV in England, but not the New York “ball!”
Doug and Joyce

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The last scheduled chemo is coming tomorrow!

Yes, I am slow to get you updated again! Joyce's chemo was rescheduled again, but it is finally tomorrow. She really wanted it a week ago as you know, but her blood was not right. Her last test came out better now, and the Dr did not want to wait til after Christmas. We met with the Nurse Practitioner and we got a transfusion set for Dec 22, so we hope that will help her be OK at Christmas!
My back is much better, not so good in the morning, but much better as the day goes on and I walk more. I even have some "aha" times when I am totally pain free--It is coming!
Talk with you again soon.