Sunday, July 19, 2009

Diversion 7-19-09

Where were you 40 years ago on July 20, 1972 when the Apollo space walk, firt landing on the moon took place?(Doug just exclaimed as he read that. Well, it is a diversion!).
I was in Los Banjos, Philippines at the University of Philippines where LeRoy and I were training in tropical agriculture and home economics before going to Laos in International Voluntary Services. We got up early that morning while it was still dark and walked to IRRI (International Rice Research Institute) where we sat with people from all over the world and watched the moon landing on television. Everyone cheered. Pretty exciting!


  1. I think that you are off 3 years, because I would have been 5 months old!! Thanks for keeping us on our toes. Love you mom!! :)

  2. Thank you Larisa. This morning I was thinking about what I had written and I thought,"did I write 1972?" Sure enough. Larisa, you are the numbers person, not me. Also, looking at this, I see I spelled first wrong. Those are the kinds of things that happen when tired and under a bit of stress!

    Oh yes and anyone can respond to the blog or to my e-mail address. Doug and I are just learning about all of this.

  3. Barb & I will be praying for your quick recovery Joyce. I began blogging about two years ago when the kids were in Ethiopia and we were babysitting in Colorado. With over 200 posts on two blogs its been a fun and creative outlet. If I can be of any assistance feel free to call on me.
    Ray (troutbirder)

  4. I like the deversionary post...are you really looking for what people were doing or was that a rhetorical question?
    I remember clearly the family sitting around our big black and white tv watching them land. We didn't cheer but I remember being in awe.
    I agree with Ray above about the fun and creative outlet blogging can be...and you have pictures now too! Awesome! You could do some fun pics too! ...but no pressure...
