Monday, August 3, 2009

1:50 PM we moved into a private room!!

Last night Joyce and her roommate traded trips to the bathroom about every hour. Neither one of them got much sleep, so Joyce was just as tired this morning as when she went to bed. For the umpteenth time I complained to the Nurse, Head Nurse and Doctor. Low-and-behold as we were talking to the doctor, the head nurse said we had a room. Just like buying a house for the first time!! Just think our own bathroom and our own silence! Well, not exactly silence.

The doctor said reconnect the NG tube for 4 hours and check the output. If it is below 100ml, we can try liquids. WOW! The output was low, but given what we had gone through, we opted for just some ice chips tonight so Joyce can get a little caught up on her sleep.

Naturally there were delays to the elusive "Sound asleep" BeepBeepBeep-Occlusion.
BeepBeepBeep-Low battery. You get the picture.

The hero of the night was the IV nurse. Joyce had gotten a new IV site this morning and had pain almost right away. It was looked at and adjusted several times and still hurt. Luckily we mentioned it one more time and the night IV Nurse said it probably hit a nerve and started a new site. Problem solved!

About 11:15 JB schussed me out of there when they were waiting for the IV nurse come and take care of the occlusion. I hope Joyce gets some sleep!


  1. Doug, it's so wonderful for Joyce that you are there to advocate for her. When my dad was in the hospital last year, I asked all of my family members to promise to have someone always there if I were ever hospitalized like that. It's so important! So glad you now have your own, private room. Take care.
    Pat Eliason

  2. Joyce,
    I am reading the Blog and thinking of you and sending you good thoughts. You are so fortunate to have Doug there to take care of you and be your advocate with the hospital staff. If I was in the hospital, I would be lucky if I had any visitors at all.
    Love you both,

  3. Doug and Joyce,
    Your comment about the problem IV site gives life to the term, "it really hit a nerve!" JOYCE, I'M GLAD IT'S NOT HITTING YOUR NERVE ANYMORE!!
    Kim and I are SO appreciative of your frequent notes to all of us as we keep you both close in our hearts and spirits. I hope you get out to use that boardwalk soon -- I was just there recently and walked it, and boy is it ever nice! We hope for you both fresh air, continued sense of humor, and love overflowing. And for all who care for you, discernment, tact and attention to detail. And for all your family, knowledge that none of you are alone in this.
    You both are thought of on a constant basis!
    Sending our love,
    Monica Powers and Kim Locke

  4. Doug and Joyce - Thinking and praying with you and for you. I, too, hope you will enjoy the boardwalk today. Listen for the birds and the tree frogs, and those loud cicadas. Peace to you both, that only belief and trust in God can bring. Continue to take such good care of each other. Love - Mary
