Sunday, August 2, 2009


The doctor was in this afternoon and said the fluid collected was low, so she feels Joyce's system is working again. The NG pump got shut off at 3:30, but remains in place. Joyce will still have nothing by mouth pending the results tomorrow morning. If she has a good night with no vomiting, she will start with some liquids and progress from there as the doctor watches the progress!!

So we are nervious and anxious and very hopeful tonight. Joyce was sleeping when I left tonight.

I think we are both getting "hospital syndrome" about now. Everything seems like it doesn't go quite as smoothly, things upset us easily, people including nurses talk too loudly, especially when Joyce is trying to get some rest. Someone else's IV beeps incessantly before someone clears it. Joyce said "Lets just get out of here!"

We decided to go for a walk to try to get away from the hubbub. A nurse's assistant saw us and asked if she could help. She found a family room that we had not seen before that was empty and had a beautiful view of the wooded area East of the hospital. Mostly we just sat, and mellowed out until BeepBeepBeep.....BeepBeepBeep....! Our IV was the problem, so back to the room we went, but it did help!
The NG tube is really an irritant and makes it more tiring to go walking, and that of course gets into the vicious cycle of getting more tired.... After the NG was clamped we were energized and got in quite a bit before bed time.

As is our usual ritual in the morning, we read the cards, emails and comments that keep us going through the day!


  1. Glad to read things are slowly improving for Joyce! Hoping food is not the wrong subject to mention but we went our for dinner last night with Dick and Sharon. Went to Fountain closed, went to Chatfield closed, finally went to Rochester - open. Whiskey Creek. A new place, the food was great but no whiskeys were had by this dull group. :)

  2. Hang in there, Joyce and Doug. Hospitals are indeed lousy places to spend time--all the noises and lights, and not enough quiet and rest, which you need now more than ever. I hope and pray you can have more outings and find more spaces to be alone together. Prayers and love,
    Pat Eliason

  3. Hi Joyce, We are so sorry things seem to be so slow in getting you back to your old peppy self. Nausea is a horrible thing, isn't it?

    Anyway, we think of you all the time and are sending you all good wishes. We are very busy with life up here, two weeks of teaching in a row, and too much to do in this place of peace and leisure!!!

    Haz off to P'town and Ohio for 3 weeks this weekend, and I back to SF end of the month. We will be checking in regularly and look forward to your getting out of there and on your way!!

    Lots of love, Marsh and Haz

  4. Hi Joyce and Doug, Mel and I are just mellowing out from Adam and Luke's birthday party. Five out the seven kids and family came up for the event. We are all praying for you guys here in Iowa and have several groups praying for your speedy recovery. Communications has come so far however we would like to be with you face to face to express our well wishes and prayers. Love Jo and Mel
