Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Out, Out, Out damn NG Tube!!!!

Once again (number 4, but whose counting) the tube is gone, Joyce can turn her head to talk to people, or her husband!
She started with little sips of water, and then had little sips of decaf coffee, and broth.
“Here comes the food tray.” Is not exactly an event that warms her heart.
Everything is OK tonight. Tomorrow she will continue and may have something like cream of wheat. Her doctor is encouraging her to have only what sounds good to her and not to push it.
Walk, sit, rest. Draw blood. Clear the beep beep. How are you feeling. Walk, sit, rest…..
Another little change in routine, Doug started itching a little early morning. Luckily he was able to get a medical opinion, or 3, quite soon and got some benedryl. He sure got some naps today!
The highlight of the day was about 30 minutes of music therapy. It is very soothing and calming.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I'm glad that ol' NG tube is out. I'm gling to the Fair tomorrow and will try not to think of school starting. Kathi
