Friday, August 14, 2009

Friday, August 14, 2009 2:00 am, Methodist Hospital, ER

Yes we are back again!
All day Thursday Joyce struggled with vomiting and a queasy stomach with a little pain. We talked to the home Nurses and they tried to contact some of the Doctors, with little response. We got the set-up of the TPN done an Joyce went to bed, but every so often she would vomit. Then she had a big one and we headed for the ER. We got there at 2 am and were in a room next to our other room by 4:00 am. We found out her white cell(?) blood count was less than one, so we got a private room.

We both dozed fitfully until about 7:230 when the put in another ( #4 ) NG tube. She immediately felt better and stopped vomiting and the pain almost went away! Through the day she got more liquid out than she had before, and it was still coming when I left about 9:30.

She needs to build herself back up with hydration, sleep, TPN, anti nausea IV, GERD IV, and more sleep! The doctors feel this is the only way to go right now and hope that it finally starts to work. This is basically what the plan was when we went home, so we really are restarting that.

I have to say we were happy to get home and do a few "normal" things, but it did not feel right to either of us. It just was not working right. So when we finally got a room in the Hospital, we both felt relieved!

If you come to visit please keep it short. Remember she is in an infectious room. If you have a cold, or are not feeling well please send a card or email or blog note. And flowers are not allowed in the room.

So, what can we do except keep blogging along, and keep you right with us!!


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