Saturday, August 8, 2009

The First CHEMO IS down the Tubes (so to speak)!

The day started out lousy! When I got to the Hospital, Joyce was sitting up in bed, awake and hurting. The NG tube was giving her great pain every time she swallowed. She had been awake since 3am holding the tube in the least painful spot. The Doctor was in before 7 and said they would try heat and a throat spray. No answer to our question ( and probably yours) as to why these were not tried during the night. These two did help, but marginally. We went for a walk and then she was able to sleep for a while. The Doctor did promise that chemo would start today.

Joyce told me later that from the beginning of the day she believed it was going to be a very good day!!

At 3 pm the pre-chemo IV started.

We are finally on the road to getting rid of the lousy stuff in her body!!!

At 3:30 the real chemo started.
At 4:30 the NG tube was removed and Joyce got instant relief!!!
At 8:15 the chemo was complete. Through the whole 5 hour process, and especially after removal of the NG tube, Joyce was feeling very good with zero nausea. When I left at 10 pm, she was almost asleep and feeling great!

The only klinker of the day is that her bowels have not decided to wake up yet so she has to stay on IV nutrition until that happens. We hope the chemo helps that process along.
PS I must have a virus in my computer so I am doing this from Joyce's. Another issue that will be resolved soon, I hope.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Doug and Joyce -Thank you so much for your faithful updates to your friends. That NG tube must stand for NoGood, or NeverGracious, or non gracias, NastyGood-for-nothing. I'm praying that you can get rid of it soon. Take care. Mary
