Thursday, August 27, 2009

I must be a mysterious alien!!

(Wednesday and Thursday are together, I slept at the hospital last night.)
Last night her arm got swollen enough that they had to cut off her armband so this was the comment she made when someone tried to check her name and birthday.
Joyce’s sense of humor is coming back—what a great sign!
Every morning is full of medical people checking everything. I don’t know why, but today it felt invasive and seemed to go on for ever.
Her room got a good cleaning and cleaning up, she got a great shower, bed linens were changed, PT gave her more excercises, more blood(of course), and a walk. She ate a couple spoonfuls of cream of wheat. Her breakfast had French toast and a sausage, which she gave me.
For lunch I had some warmed over pizza, and I was going to eat some place else, as usual, but she said why don’t you eat in the room? I did and it really smelled good to her. Probably the first time food didn’t set her back. Her lunch tray was chicken salad and a bun, and she had a little of each.
How fast things can change.
The scan of Joyce’s arm revealed a blood clot, most probably caused by the pic line! So out comes the pic line and up goes the hepherin. It is a good thing that Joyce is starting to be able to eat because the TPN is being stopped. The good news is just that, Joyce is tolerating food by mouth now, so we believe we are over that bump in the road. Just think, she hasn’t had anything in her mouth except a few ice chips since July 23!
So now Joyce will be on a “soft diet” for some time and we will see how her system reacts to having some food in it. Small amounts are necessary, so she will be eating 5-6 times a day for a while. That is what is next, but as usual, stay tuned!!

Thursday August 27, 2009
Today was weird, no one was around until about 8:00am. Usually there are medical people starting at least by 7:00, and the surgeon team is always first. They made up for it though, it was nonstop until noon.
She does not eat very much, but this is looking good. She is going to be getting some of the enriched products to help build her strength and take small amounts 5 or 6 times a day. PT comes most days to work with her, and we do go walking as much as we can.
Her hemoglobin is still not recovering, so tonight she is getting 2 more units of blood.
She doesn’t have the NG tube, nor the TPN, but she still has the heparin and antibiotics and GIRD meds going through the IV!
The blood clot is gone, but she may have a urinary infection!
We get discouraged at times, but we get some positive things that bring us back up. And of course part of that is the encouragement we get from you. All the prayers, cards, email, and thoughts are very important, thank you!
The doctors and nurses and other staff are always very supportive with their thoughts and prayers.
Joyce is one incredible woman!

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