Sunday, August 23, 2009

And on our special gourmet appetizer menu today, our famous “Ice Chip Delight!” Please do not over indulge!

The day started early with a C-T scan at 5:30 am. The hospital Doctor had ordered it in the evening. Then about 7:30 a surgeon team member came to see us and read the scan. He said the surgery was a success, the blockage was gone!

He said Joyce could go back to ice chips. She said “Oh thank you, thank you!”

Yesterday it was all JB wanted, ice chips! And now when she can have them, it is easy for her to ration herself.

Her hemoglobin was low so she got a blood transfusion, and her pulse rate is still high so she is getting a beta blocker to lower that.

PT came in a little later and gave her some more exercises and took her for a walk. Then sitting up for about 3 hours and she was ready for a nap. But of course there is no such thing as a good nap in the hospital.

Joyce has so many attachments to her that she has to have 2 Baxters and it takes about a half an hour to get her all settled in bed. It is about as tiring as another walk.

Tomorrow we hope for improvement in output so we can continue the present progress. We don’t know what is down the road, but we are cautiously optimistic that this time we will keep on that elusive improvement path.

Doug and Joyce
PS This was created by team D & J at the Hospital at about 7 PM!

1 comment:

  1. Kristin just showed me how to do this. Now I can read and comment on the same page. Hope you feel better soon and "Hi" to Doug. Kathi
