Saturday, August 22, 2009

Doctor was in to see Joyce at 6 am

Well, the doctor made it in before me today. He told her to swallow as little water as possible. No more ice chips for now! Just wet her lips with a swab whenever necessary! See how long you can do this--An hour, or two? We are not sure how long she is going to have to, but you can be sure she will do what is necessary to head us out the door!

Her heart rate was about 135 so he also scheduled a c-t scan. The scan showed a small blood clot in her lung, so they gave her heparin to get rid of the clot and TPA,a blood thinner. Her pulse rate went down to 115, which is about where it has been most of the time in the hospital.

We spent most of the rest of the day recovering from all of that. Joyce was so dry today that I had to do most of the talking. She would swab her mouth and talk a little and so on--Not fun.

By the end of the day we were pooped, but thinking about a short walk. We took one look at the IV - Christmas - Tree and decided she would just sit at the sink and get cleaned up.

The nurse weighed her tonight and, right now, she has regained some of her weight loss. Maybe that is temporary.

Once again, please call before coming to visit. It is hard to maintain your strength, much less increase it when you can't have liquids. The nurses let us know though that they are expecting some walking tomorrow.

Heaven knows you have to obey those wonderful nurses! Or else!

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